

SperlingQual is proud of the contribution we have made to our clients’ success:

  • Our insight work led to the development of the Eli Lilly/Cymbalta “Depression Hurts” campaign, winner of the Silver DTC award for Best Branded TV Campaign
  • Our work with Kimberly Clark’s Poise brand was featured in “Mucus to Maxi Pads: Marketing’s Dirtiest Jobs”, an article by Jack Neff that appeared in Advertising Age in February 2009
  • Worked with the Energizer/Playtex Infant Care Division in developing a category innovation, the 2014 launch of a Nipple Care System. The multi-phased research conducted by SperlingQual was hugely credited as uncovering key insights that were leveraged by Marketing, R&D, Consumer Insights, Category & Shopper and Customer Development teams, in bringing the product to shelf and advertising.